The following information was presented at an Association Town Hall meeting on Saturday, February 15, 2025. If you did not get a chance to attend, please review the video of the entire meeting. This video is just under 2 hours long.
Filings 4, 7, & 8 Community Water System
Urgent water system projects & estimated costs:
1. 4th Well house expansion & Well #3 Reactivation | $100,000 |
2. Deep Bury Humboldt | $150,000 |
3. Upper 8th filing well reactivation | $326,000 |
4. New Radio Control System | $20,000 |
TOTAL | $596,000 |
Project Explanations
- 4th Well house expansion & well #3 reactivation:
The 4th well house has 3 different wells feeding into it. These 3 wells are blended in order to achieve compliance with radiation monitoring.
The #3 well was shut down last year due to required changes to the equipment in the blending system. Previously we were allowed to simply mix these 3 wells, and so long as the output water remained below the 5 Pci threshold, we were in compliance. Now the state demands an engineered ratio of water blending be maintained at all times. New monitoring equipment and throttling valves must be installed to ensure we can guarantee the ratios and radiation content at all times.
In order to fit the new monitoring equipment and legally bring the well back online, the building has to be enlarged, the equipment installed, and new rounds of compliance testing completed.
Completed work: Engineering work. New building already purchased.
Flow Rate (Gallons per minute) | Radiation in Picocuries (Radium-226) | |
#1 Well | 40 GPM | 0.3 pci |
#2 Well | 6 GPM | 3.0 pci |
#3 Well | 12 GPM | 5.5 pci |
2. Deep Bury Humboldt:
The water and sewer lines along 1,200 feet of Humboldt are shallow buried in a concrete corridor. There is electric heat tape in that corridor along the pipe to keep the pipes from freezing. This is the oldest and most fragile bit of piping left in all of Glacier View. The corridor itself has been opened and closed so many times for repair that the concrete is deteriorated and the corridor is full of dirt and debris.
The heat tape has failed, and we cannot risk opening the corridor and attempting to replace the heat tape as it’s assured we would break the pipe doing so. All the pipe must to be replaced.
New compliance codes require the water and sewer lines need to be separated in 2 trenches, a minimum of 10 feet apart.
3. Upper 8th Filing Well Reactivation:
In the upper 8th filing is a well in the green space between La Plata and Mt. Harvard. This well produces about 20 Gallons per Minute. It is contaminated with Uranium. It is our best chance to increase the overall water supply to the entire central water system. A 30% increase.
In order to remove the Uranium we need to install a very expensive Ion exchange system that removes the Uranium. The installation and validation testing of that system will take approximately 2 years.
We considered drilling a new well instead of activating this one. The problem is that any well drilled here may contain Uranium or Radium. There’s also no guarantee how much water a well will produce. 20 GPM is a good producing well.
Reactivating this well is our most sensible option for increasing overall water production.
4. New Radio Control System:
The radio system that controls our water system for automatic operation has failed.
None of the 5 stations are properly communicating with each other. The station at the storage tanks on McKenna also acts as the relay station between the 12th filing, and the control panel in the shop (home base). Right now we have the central system divided into 2 zones with the separation being at Green Mountain drive and Maroon Bells. We have to manually operate the pumps and valves and storage tanks. This is causing undue stress on the pumps and infrastructure. This was the direct cause of the system failure on Jan. 10th. We also cannot monitor the system from home base.
Their are 154 properties highlighted below who are on the 002 community water system and are responsible for the project costs.
- 7th Filing – (Pink) 42 properties. 35 improved, 7 unimproved
- 4th Filing – (Yellow) – 49 properties. 44 improved, 5 unimproved
- 8th Filing – (Orange) 63 properties. 57 improved, 6 unimproved
- TOTAL – 154 properties. 136 improved, 18 unimproved

Funding/Payment Options
- One Time Assessment ($4,000 total per property):
- $4,000 per property due April 1, 2025
- Two Annual Assessments ($4,250 total per property):
- $2,000 per property due April 1, 2025
- $2,250 per property due April 1, 2026
- Thirty (30) month payment plan ($4,500 total per property):
- $150 per month starting April 1, 2025
- Final payment due no later than September 1, 2027
- The Increased amount per property in all but the #1 option is to cover inflation cost for projects delayed until later years due to insufficient funds to start and complete all the projects this year.
- Currently about half (78) of the 154 properties pay their annual dues in full at the beginning of the year, and the other half (76) are on a payment plan.
- If half of the properties who currently pay their annual dues in full (39) at the beginning of the year choose #1 and the other half (39) choose #2, and all of the properties currently paying annual dues monthly (76) choose #3, then:
- 4th well house expansion & well #3 Reactivation, + Deep Bury Humboldt, + New Radio Control System can start this year.
- Upper 8th filing well reactivation can start in 2026 and completed in 2027
- If all properties currently paying annual dues at the beginning of the year (78) choose #2, and all the properties currently paying annual dues monthly (76) choose #3, then:
- 4th well house expansion & well #3 Reactivation, + New Radio Control System can start this year.
- Deep Bury Humboldt can start in 2026.
- Upper 8th filing well reactivation can start in 2026 and completed in 2028