Trash and Recycling

Trash & Recycle Hours:

  • Monday-Saturday 8:00 – 4:30
  • Sunday 8:00 – 12:00

    Trash and solid waste.

    The trash compactor is provided for property owners’ convenience, so you do not have to haul your household trash to the county dump. We hire Republic Services to provide this trash compactor service. The current 2024/2025 trash fee is $100.00 per property, per year. Located at gate 8 (Green Mountain Dr.) across from the HOA office. The bin is replaced every week on Thursdays. Please strictly follow what can and cannot be placed in this trash compactor. If there is something that is thrown away that is not allowed, we may get a hefty fine and could possibly lose the convenience of this service. If you are not sure what can go into the trash compactor, please email us at:, or call us at: 970-493-6812.

    Glacier Gals and Recycling Aluminum Cans.

    The Glacier Gals recycles aluminum cans to earn money for their organization. Please visit their website to find out more about what they do. Please save your aluminum cans and give them to the Glacier Gals so they can recycle them for you. The have provided a convenient place for you to bring them. Located right next to the trash compactor. Gate 8 (Green Mountain Dr.) across from the HOA office.
    NOTE: They ONLY recycle ALUMINUM CANS. They do not recycle anything else. If it is NOT an aluminum can please do not place it in their recycle buckets.

    Recycling Bin

    The recycling bin is paid for by Larimer County and does not cost the property owners anything. Sage Disposal is the company that services it. They replace the bin every 2 weeks on Fridays. Please follow the guidelines on what can and cannot be recycled in this bin. We do not want to lose this paid for privilege. If you are not sure what can go into that recycle bin, please email us at:, or call us at: 970-493-6812.
    NOTE: While aluminum cans can go into this recycling bin, we ask that you save those separately and put them into the Glacier Gals Aluminum Can Recycle buckets.

    Corrugated Cardboard

    We currently do not have a way that we can recycle “Corrugated Cardboard”. This type of cardboard is NOT allowed in our recycle bin. It is encouraged that you save the cardboard and bring it with you to town and drop it off at the Fort Collins Recycling Center. If you cannot do that, we are allowed to throw it away in our trash compactor.