Architectural Review Committee (ARC)

All new construction in our community, any modification of building footprints, lot development that alters the structural landscape, must be reviewed by the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) for adherence to the Covenants.

The practices and criteria used for review are published as the Rules and Regulations of the Architectural Review Committee. If you’re interested in a quick introduction to it, the Association Manager is always willing to visit with you in person. Call 970-493-6812, email: or use the Contact Us page here to arrange a time to stop by.

The following materials are available at these links at this website, or by request from the GVM Office.

ARC Application
ARC Plans Checklist (pdf version)

The committee is composed of members of the community, who select their own chair and operate as a public meeting following standard association rules. A member of the association Board of Directors serves in an ex-officio role, supporting the work of the committee and advising on issues that may have policy implications. The Manager of the Association serves as a non-voting advisor. All decisions of the ARC are made exclusively by its members, who are all property owners within Glacier View Meadows.

Meetings of the Architectural Review Committee

  • Second Wednesday of the month
  • 3:00 pm
  • Mary Keller Conference Room (lower level) of the Association Offices
  • Gate 8, 1417 Green Mountain Dr., Livermore CO 80536

If you plan to attend a meeting, please let the Office know so the members of the ARC know to expect you.

Visitors to the meeting should know that applications for approval are considered private information, and discussion and study of those applications are considered only in executive session. Following discussion, voting on approval/conditional approval/disapproval is in open, public meeting.