The President shall be the administrative officer for the Association and is a consultant (advisor) for all committees, able to attend and advise without voting privilege. The President should not be a new, inexperienced member of the Board.
The duties of the President shall include:
- Preside as Chair at all Board meetings.
- Monitor the activities of the Board.
- Monitor the progress of Association projects and functions.
- Subject to Board approval of its members, appoint the chairpersons of all committees.
Vice President
The Vice President shall, when necessary, fulfill the duties of the President, serve as an ex- officio member of specified committees as appointed by the Board, and assist the President as may be requested.
The duties of the vice President shall include:
- Monitor the business and financial activities of the Association.
- Monitor the Boards compliance with the By-laws, official policies and rules.
- Monitor the progress of committee projects and functions.
- Serve as an ex-officio member of the Rules Committee.
The Secretary will administer the preparation and maintenance of all official documentation and records; ensure member access to non-privileged documentation; and administer the release of Association information to any external entity.
The duties of the Secretary shall include:
- Ensure the preparation, availability and accuracy of the minutes of Board or Association meetings.
- Ensure the timely posting of appropriate business notices.
- Ensure the proper filing and archival of critical records.
- Advise the Board of documentation requirements for proposed activities or projects and ensure that existing documents are controlled, reviewed and updated to comply with current practices.
- Select an Assistant Secretary and oversee this person’s activities, if such selection is desired and feasible.
The Treasurer will administer the financial activity and accountability of the Association; prepare financial status reports for Board meetings; administer the budgeting process; and oversee the notice of collection of all assessments.
The duties of the Treasurer shall include:
- Assure the performance of the Association accountant and bookkeeper.
- Assure the control and validity of disbursements.
- Assure the deposit of funds into appropriate accounts.
- Ensure the timely preparation of annual financial reports for the Association.
- Advise the Board on issues relating to fluidity and growth of Association funds.
- Serve as an ex-officio member of the Budget Committee.
- Select an Assistant Treasurer and oversee this person’s activities, if such selection is desired and feasible.