Covenant Enforcement Appeal Process

The following rules were approved by both the Road and Recreation Association and the Water and Sewer Association on 10/15/03.


1. In accordance with the Appeal and Dispute provisions contained in the bylaws, a form (NOAform) shall be maintained for the use of any member(s) appealing an action or decision of any agent of the Association. No appeal will be accepted which does not directly affect the property or rights of the appellant(s). Reasonable effort shall be made by the appellant and the Association staff to resolve the appeal before presentation to the Board. If presented to the Board, a summary of preceding events prepared by the staff shall be appended.

2. If the appellant(s) choose(s) to dispute the Boards decision on the appeal, they must submit the appeal form, any additional clarification, a document stating clearly their choice to dispute the decision, and a list of any participants(s) they will have to support their position at the Dispute Hearing. Said additional participants shall be limited to 15 persons.

3. The choice of having a closed hearing shall be at the discretion of the disputee(s), but if an open hearing is held, no participation in the hearing will be allowed by any member not listed as a participant.

4. Notice of the Dispute Hearing, including its status of open/closed, shall be publicly posted no less than 5 days prior to the hearing.

5. Any continuance or rescheduling of the hearing will be at the discretion of a quorum of the Board.

6. An unexcused absence by a director at a Dispute Hearing will be treated as an unexcused absence at a regular Board meeting.

7. A documented conflict of interest for a director will be recorded as an excused absence.

8. No director shall be allowed to file an appeal against their own Association.

Appeal Form