History, where Manhead Mountain Drive meets Bierstadt Court.
Our community began…
…in 1971 when the Glacier View Meadows Development Company and limited partnership bought 6,000 acres of the former Currie Ranch, a cattle operation in northwest Larimer County, Colorado.
Over the next few years this property was developed in twelve separate filings. These filings divided the area into just over 1000 lots, ranging in size from one to ten acres, with undeveloped land available to residents as Open Space.
The vision was to have a mountain community suitable for year-round living and recreation. Founding documents clearly recognize the importance of respecting the natural setting, and they codify policies protecting the wildlife and the beautiful terrain.

From the beginning
We’ve always been seen as a community wholly owned and governed by the owners of its properties, under the management of two elected Boards of Directors.
- Road and Recreation Association
- Water and Sewer Association
The governing documents that created these Associations are available on this website, at the Archived Document Vault.
At the Annual Meeting of the Associations in 2023, members approved the consolidation of these separate managing entities into a single Association, now known as the Glacier View Meadows Association. As of the date of the current editing of this website, this process of consolidation is continuing, including updating of printed materials, integration of independent accounting procedures, and coordination of management systems.
The By-Laws of this consolidated Association are also available on the Archived Document Vault.
These are our governing documents, the rules we all agree to abide by when we join this community by purchasing property here.
Colorado State Law
The State of Colorado has an interest as well, protecting us all with clear rules and guidelines for living together. The Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act of 1992 (CCIOA) has as its purpose to “establish a clear, comprehensive, and uniform framework for the creation and operation of common interest communities.”

If you’re lucky enough to live in the mountains,
you’re lucky enough.