Highlights of the meeting:
As I begin this regular monthly summary of what your Board of Directors is working on, I wonder what would I have liked to have known about life in Glacier View Meadows when I first moved here in 2017. The full Minutes of the Board Meeting are available, so I don’t want to go into all the details, but maybe some of the themes might be of interest.
Like all Board Meetings I’ve been a part of, all members were present or accounted for. Two of us attended by Zoom, and one member has just resigned for reasons unrelated to Board responsibilities. A Quorum was easily established and the meeting began promptly.
The Agenda, available here, was approved as prepared.
Reading through the Minutes provides an excellent broad view of what goes on in Glacier View Meadows in a typical month, from water and sanitary system developments to the challenges of maintaining our roads and physical plant, and sustaining a living and lively community.
A couple of unanticipated utility issues have posed some temporary budget stresses, but our Manager assures us these will pose no challenges to our responsibility to keep our finances in annual balance.
We are growing as a community, with applications for new homes being accepted. Slowly, properties in Filing 12, so devastated several years ago in the High Park Fire, are being repopulated.
The Board has a long history of stable committee structures and functioning, and that stability is on display with routine reports for activities at this time of the year. A budget for the work of the Ecology Committee, including staying ahead of the challenges of noxious weeds in our open space areas, was approved without dissent.
In recent months a new work team has emerged spontaneously from members of our community to take on the responsibilities of mitigating wildfire dangers in our common areas. The Community Mitigation Volunteers is cutting back overgrowth in our road rights-of-way to enable clear passage of emergency vehicles and easy exit for our residents when evacuations are called for. At the same time, the group is working to find a solution to our long-term problem of slash disposal, bringing in an Air Curtain Burner in April.
And Glacier Gals is going strong in all its activities providing for opportunities for community and social life in Glacier View Meadows.
The meeting of the Board adjourned at 4:43, having accomplished all it set out to do in less than two hours. The Chair kept closely to the Agenda, the members addressed the issues without distraction, the members of the public who were present had every opportunity to speak their minds openly and candidly.
The spirit at the close of the meeting was relaxed and friendly, several clusters of folks hanging around to visit in an easy, casual manner.
The Board went into Executive Session to discuss personnel matters, and closed that session at 5:20.
Full Agenda and Minutes are available here.