In our Annual Meeting last summer, we approved a major update and improvement in the way we manage ourselves as a community. Since our founding in the 1970s, we’ve operated under two separate associations–Road & Recreation, and Water & Sewer. In a long overdue step, in an effort to simplify our lives and our ways of doing business, we finally tackled the challenges of consolidating into a single organization–Glacier View Association.
In another step forward, we’re recognizing the importance of maintaining clear and open communications with our members. An important start is the development of a new–and we hope, more user-friendly–online web presence. Separately but related, we’re establishing a regular newsletter available for (free) subscription by members.
This note is the first of what is intended to be at least weekly publication of news of interest to folks who live here and folks who consider this a second or future home.
Check out the website. Let us know how we might improve it. Enjoy it!