January 16, 2008


Randy Mae - President
Frank Winter - Vice-President
Jim Petrie – Treasurer
Jerry Wood - Secretary
Albert Samuelson - Director


Steve Horsmon
Gary Ellerman
Mary Keller


Randy Mae, President, called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. All were present and a quorum was established.


No amendments made.


October 17, 2007, minutes were reviewed. Randy Mae motioned to accept the minutes as written. Unanimous-motion passed.

TREASURER’S REPORT: (Please see the Office for attached/enclosed as none were provided with these minutes)

Jim Petrie presented the treasurer’s report for the Water and Sewer Association (see attached). Water and Sewer completed the third month of the fiscal year with no significant deviations from the budget.

MANAGER’S REPORT: Steve Horsmon presented the Manager’s Report

General Office and Budget Updates:

  1. Met with the GVM insurance administrator in December. Although rates have increased for the individual policies, the GVM benefit of $234 is still about 50% of a single person rate on a high-deductible plan. I don’t recommend a benefit increase this year. Some employees have chosen to participate in an AFLAC supplemental plan which does not cost the Association anything. We are using the W&S account to process the pre-tax payroll deductions for these policies.
  2. Budgets for both Associations are in control with no unplanned expenses.
  3. GVM map redesign project is on hold until next summer. Road name changes will be taking place beginning spring, 2008. If maps run low, we will make B&W copies.
  4. Renewed Directors and Officer’s Insurance with Philadelphia, Ins. and automobile policies with Safeco Insurance, Co.
  5. Realtor reports for 2007 show that 35 homes and 37 lots sold last year in GVM. This does not include foreclosed homes that sold. Detailed reports are available.
  6. Educational articles are provided on the topics of bankruptcy law, how foreclosures are affecting HOA’s, and the Top 3 Resolutions for Association Boards.


Water & Sewer Association

  1. New Year’s Eve heat tape failure and water main freeze in the 8th Filing fixed for now. To be discussed under New Business.
  2. Repaired a 12th Filing water main break on a 2" pvc line on Turkey Roost Dr.
  3. Lower 8th pump house pressure tank failed over a weekend. Contracted the replacement of tank and pressure switch to Wayne’s Plumbing.
  4. Resumed meetings with Larimer County to get the LID loan application process started. Next meeting will be with Stantec to discuss project final design and planning. We do not have to go through the county procurement process for the next engineering phase. Completed a draft of the required Environment Assessment report. This is available for review on request.
  5. Researched a number of backhoes to replace the John Deere 510C. Held a demo session for all Board members. We will present the best proposals for Board vote during New Business.
  6. 2008 water testing plan has been received from the State. Numerous errors were found and we’re working with the State to reduce the testing required for the 4th Filing. Increased 12th Filing testing will begin in 2008 for the addition of well #3.
  7. Received approval from State Engineer’s office to allow de-ratification of W&S members on 35+ acre properties which previously ratified. To be discussed more under New Business.
  8. Received a "Very Small System" (VSS) waiver from the Dept. of Public Health and Environment. This waiver is based on our number of water users and exempts GVM from new requirements for system monitoring. These "Initial Distribution System Evaluation" (IDSE) requirements will be applicable to GVM by 2013.

On the subject of item B under General office and Budget Updates:

The manager presented a synopsis of bad debt that has been written off as a result of foreclosures: Water & Sewer Association

Water & Sewer Association 2005 == $1,245.70 2006 == $6,517.56 2007 == $1,358.00
Road & Recreation Association 2005 == $622.50 2006 == $6,596.69 2007 == $2,644.00


  1. None


Project Status Discussion – Wastewater treatment plant: The next meeting will be with Stantec to discuss project final design and planning. The meeting will be held January 22, 2008 at 10:00 am. Advance Expenditures for projects paid by the Association such as the site application fee and power costs will be reimbursed from the LID loan.

NEW BUSINESS: (see attached)

A. Shared purchase of replacement backhoe: The staff with input from Board members completed a Backhoe rating comparison of six units both new and used. The Case 580SM+ (new) received the highest overall rating. The Board determined that they will agree to share the expenditure with Road & Recreation. Also, the Association will provide new low cost services such as digging an 8 foot test hole for soil analysis required prior to new home construction. Uncover deep buried septic tank lids prior pumping. Install new risers and lids to allow future access. Jim Petrie Moved to authorize the shared expenditure of up to $70,000 for the purchase of the Case 580SM+ Backhoe from Water & Sewer Account 001 to be shared 50/50 with the Road and Recreation Association. Unanimous-motion passed.

B. Discuss ideas for short term repairs to W&S corridor at Pyramid Ct., Mt. Massive Dr. and Sunlight Circle. Due to the heat tape failure and the water main freeze in the 8th Filing eight residents on Sunlight Circle are in danger of being without water. These residents are being asked to let water drip during extreme cold temperatures to prevent the corridor pipes from freezing. Gary Ellerman presented a plan for repairing the corridor. Gary explained that the heat tape has to be replaced. The water lines in the corridor have been repaired over and over and need to be replaced. Gary also explained that because of cost ($110,000 – 115,000) access to homes, utility lines, and project time (45 days), blasting for deep bury is not a feasible option. The alternative is to install new heat tape, new water lines, and new sewer lines if needed. The project will take approximately 7 days at an estimated cost of $9,600.00 if we use our own backhoe.

Randy Mae moved to wait until spring to install new heat tape, new water lines and at the same time replace the existing sewer lines as needed. Unanimous- motion passed

C. Glacier View Meadows received approval from State Engineer’s office to allow de-ratification of W&S members on 35+ acre properties which previously ratified. As of January 1, 2003, the State of Colorado has allowed applicants who own 35+ acres to apply for "exempt" well permits. These wells are operated outside of the augmentation plan and are exempt from administration in the water rights priority system. Randy Mae moved that if the subject property is 35+ acres and the property owner wishes to apply for a domestic well permit, the Board of Directors will provide the property owner with a request form for cancellation of ratification to be submitted along with a domestic well use application to the State of Colorado. If the applicant is granted a domestic use well permit, the Board of Directors will cancel the membership and ratification of the Water and Sewer Association. Unanimous-motion passed


Adjourned at 4:02 pm