February 21, 2007


Robert Naftzger – President
Linda Adams – Vice-President
Rick Snow – Treasurer
Jack Carroll – Secretary
Diana Lustick – Director


Steve Horsmon
Gary Ellerman
Mary Keller


The meeting was called to order by Bob Naftzger, President, at 3:29 p.m.
All were present, and a quorum was established.


Under 6) Applicable Committee Reports: add e. Trails Committee - add f. Nomination Committee. Under 8) New Business: add c. Contractor’s insurance.


September 20, 2006 Minutes were reviewed and accepted as written by consensus.

TREASURER’S REPORT: (See Office for enclosed as it was not furnished with these minutes)

Rick Snow presented the treasurer’s report for the Road and Recreation Association (see enclosed). Road and Recreation is in the seventh month of the fiscal year and 1% over budget. However, the road maintenance line item is already 20% over budget with more bills and more winter to come. It should be no surprise that the cost of the snow removal has been unusually high so far for GVM. As of February 1, 2007, the overtime wages, outside contractor services (John Beckett and his team), equipment leases, grader and plow truck repairs, fuel and oil have exceeded the total annual snow removal budget by $36,632. This overage includes spending the $10,500 extra contingency set aside in the annual budget for such unusual weather. We are projecting additional snow removal expenses of $21,000 for the remainder of the budget year. We are projecting an additional $25,000 in maintenance expenses to repair winter damage to roads and culverts. Also, $13,200 to replace capital funds (10% of equipment value) is estimated to cover the accelerated wear and tear on our plow trucks and road grader caused by the near constant plowing since mid-December. Totaling the figures above, the total estimated expense to be incurred for snow removal for the remainder of the season is $59,200. Adding the estimated $59,200 snow removal expenses for the remainder of the snowy season to the $36,632 budget overage as of February 1 equals $95,832.

While no one likes the idea of a special assessment, all property owners here understand that there was no way to anticipate the severity or number of snow storms we have experienced so far this winter. As soon as we are sure that the winter weather is finally behind us and we can calculate all the costs we have incurred during the season for snow removal we will notify all GVM property owners of the total expenditures and the exact amount to be assessed.

MANAGER’S REPORT: Steve Horsmon presented the Manager’s Report

General Office and Budget Updates:

  1. Received payment of $14,270 for the certificate of sale assignment on foreclosure of Filing 12, Lots 203/209. Proceeds were split according to the percentage owed to each association.
  2. Quarterly newsletter is complete and at the printer. Plan to mail them by 2/28/07.
  3. Beginning planning for Annual Meeting and Budget Committee meetings. Calling volunteers for Budget Committee membership for both Associations.

Road and Recreation Association

  1. After 7 months into the budget, we are running 1% over the total budget. However, the road maintenance line item is already 20% over budget with February bills yet to be entered and more winter to come. In addition, the contingency fund of $10,500 has been spent. See Treasurer’s newsletter article for a summary of anticipated operating expenses for this fiscal year.
  2. We have returned the 2 rented bulldozers and are returning the rented grader this week. This equipment was critical to our ability to open and widen roads. The GVM plow trucks have had numerous repairs required due to the stress of being asked to do too much.
  3. At the request of Bob Naftzger, we investigated the cost of purchasing/leasing to purchase the 2005 JD grader we had been leasing. Owning two graders capable of snow removal would greatly improve our ability to remove large amounts of snow and widen roads quickly. This would also save wear and tear on the undersized pickups during large storms. With a purchase price of $239,000 and a down payment of $60,000, the balance of $179,000 financed for 60 months at 7.25% is $3,565.00. Recommend further discussion during executive session.


A.R.C: (Architectural Review Committee) Bob Isaacson, Chairman presented the report for the committee. There was not an ARC meeting this month. With the exception of one application for a deck that has already been built, there were no ARC applications presented to the committee this month. Bob also notified the Board that due to other commitments he will step down as Chairman of the A.R.C. in May.

Ecology Committee: No report

Glacier Gals: Ginny Blanz, President, spoke for the Glacier Gals: Ginny asked if more power could be brought into the Glacier View office basement and the Mtn. Meeting Place.

The manager told her that the staff will look at the breaker boxes, if there is room, a circuit breaker can be added.

Nominating Committee: Linda Carroll, Chairperson, spoke for the committee. She is presently looking for nominating committee members and nominees for the Board of Directors. There will be three openings on the Road & Recreation Board.

Recreation Committee/Trails Committee: Judd Adams, Chairman, presented the report for the trails committee. Judd asked the Board if they would designate the Batterson Lake Trail as an official GVM trail to be maintained by the trails committee. Judd also asked about parking at the trail heads. Presently there is not parking and cars parked on the side of the trails could be a hazard. Gary Ellerman stated that he, along with Judd, will take a look at possible parking areas and if possible, will make accommodations.

Bob Naftzger, motioned that The Batterson Lake Trail be designated as an official GVM trail and that the trails committee maintain the trail. Unanimous-motion passed.

Rules Committee: No report


  1. None


  1. Snow removal cost summary: (see treasure’s report)
  2. FEMA Application for possible snow removal expense reimbursement: Steve Horsmon attended a FEMA informational meeting in Fort Collins, on February 16th and has been in contact with The Colorado Division of Emergency Management. Glacier View Meadows being an HOA is not eligible for FEMA funds. However, Eiger road is a county deeded road and may be eligible for federal funding. Steve has supplied the Emergency Management Office with several documents to prove our eligibility for funding.
  3. Contractors Insurance: Steve discussed the GVM policy that requires any contractor performing work for the Association provide evidence of liability insurance. As per our insurance carrier, contractors that work for Glacier View Meadows (including snow removal) must have a certificate of insurance that meets the same liability as our insurance policy. The Board agreed by consensus that we must ensure that our hired Contractors, have the required insurance.


Judy Corwin asked about the clean up of the trees that were knocked down during snow removal. The manager replied that when the snow is melted and we have access the trees will be picked up.

Adjourned into Joint Executive Session for personnel discussion at 4:45 pm

Joint meeting approved personnel pay adjustment and promotion for Maintenance I employee to Maintenance II. The boards agreed that we should reward versatility and stay competitive with local pay rates.